Colin McEvoy & Lynn Olanoff - September 27, 2008

Colin McEvoy & Lynn Olanoff - September 27, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

How we got together...

Colin and Lynn met in May 2005 when Colin was a summer intern at The New Jersey Herald, the newspaper where Lynn worked as a reporter. After they were introduced, Colin had to ask his editor to remind him what Lynn's name was.

Once that was all straightened out, the two began talking one day when Colin was placed at the desk next to Lynn. Lynn learned about Colin's obsession with movies, and she mentioned how there was a local drive-in theater she always wanted to go to.

Lynn was searching for the perfect drive-in movie to invite Colin to, and when "War of the Worlds" came out in July 1, she thought it was a perfect fit. So on July 1, 2005, Lynn and Colin went to the Warwick, N.Y. Drive-In.

Neither of them knew whether it was a date or not. Colin paid for the entrance, trying to signify that he'd like it to be a date. But when Lynn offered to share her blanket with Colin, he declined; he thought he was trying to be macho, but she thought he wasn't interested. The end of the date wasn't any clearer; Lynn dropped Colin off at his car, but there was no kiss and not even a hug! (It's hard to hug in a car.)

But alas, a few days later, Lynn called Colin from the laundromat and invited him to go karaokesinging with her that week. Lynn made Colin dinner before the date, and as a gift Colin brought Lynn his culinary special; a box of Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch, which she had said was her favorite. They also played Texas Hold'Em Poker, which along with karaoke remains two of their favorite hobbies to this day.

This time, they were both pretty sure it was a date...and this time it DID end with a kiss!

How we got engaged...

Colin started bugging Lynn one morning, saying she didn't have any other rings than the two she wore all the time. Sure she did, she insisted while searching through her jewelry boxes, but Colin was right!

"I have a ring for you!" Colin called from the kitchen. He produced a ring configured from a bread twist-tie and placed it on Lynn's ring finger. It dawned on Lynn: Colin was trying to figure out her ring size! "If you need to know my ring size," she told him, "it's size nine." They laughed and then hugged, then after their hug they both knew they were getting engaged soon and were thrilled.

They were going to be taking a trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto for their two year anniversary on July 1, 2007. Lynn thought Colin would propose to her then, but she couldn't wait to know, so she searched their apartment. Turns out Lynn is not a very good searcher. She looked in Colin's pants drawer -- where the ring was -- but she couldn't find it!

So off then went to Canada with Lynn uncertain if they were getting engaged. They were going to a romantic restaurant in Niagara Falls, a positive sign toward engagement, but during dinner Colin said he had PLANNED to propose during the trip, but "didn't have his act together." It was looking like it wasn't going to happen...

After dinner they walked down toward the falls, where Colin suggested a carriage ride...another positive sign, but who knew at this point? But as a horse-drawn carriage took off along the falls, Colin took a small box from his pocket and popped the question. Lynn obviously said yes.

How we're doing now...

Colin and Lynn live in Easton, Pa., with their two ridiculously cute cats Maggie (left) and Caramel (right). They both work at The Express-Times newspaper, Lynn as the Bethlehem city reporter and Colin as the Easton Area School District and Easton suburbs reporter. Their new apartment is the top floor of an historic house with a great view of the Delaware River. They just celebrated their three-year anniversary on July 1, but will be trading it in for a brand new anniversary date starting September 27!